Constructions such as bridges, stadiums, viaducts and airports in reinforced concrete structures, represent major investments, both public and private. Over time, the reinforced concrete structure can start a corrosion process leading to the weakening of the structure and generating high repair costs.
The secret in protecting reinforced concrete structures is not to allow water and chlorides to enter the substrate, as these infiltrations are the most i mportant causes of deterioration of these structures. The water molecules electrostatically bond with the concrete, forming the conductive medium for the chloride-induced corrosion process , which corrodes the metallic reinforcement.
Our treatment in reinforced concrete structures, even with cracks up to 0.3 mm thick, primarily acts as a barrier that blocks the infiltration of water as well as chloride ions from reaching the armature. Secondly, the products used in the treatment, chemically interrupt the electrolytic current, causing a substantial reduction in the corrosion current and, consequently, the corrosion of the metallic reinforcement.
When the surface to be treated is not new and has already suffered from: vandalism actions by graffiti artists, effects of climatic exposure, pollution, contamination by mosses, fungi and organic matter, it is necessary to prepare it to make the most of nanotechnological protection. This substrate to be treated needs to undergo a deep cleaning process. NanoBR uses a technique that consists of a micro-spraying of inert materials, without causing abrasion on the substrate. This technology imported from Europe and adapted by our technicians for the Brazilian climate, allows the cleaning of delicate substrates such as plaster and wood, even more resistant substrates such as metals, concrete and stones. This technology is certified by the Italian art restoration association. Nanobr is not a restoration company, but provides cleaning and protection services for restorers throughout Saudi Arabia
Preventive treatment for reinforced concrete, avoiding the corrosion process of the internal reinforcement or corrective treatment that interrupts the existing corrosion process. Extremely suitable for large new buildings, such as bridges and viaducts or that are already in the process of degradation with exposed armor in an early or advanced stage of corrosion.
Hydrophobic and olefinic treatment that considerably prolongs the natural appearance and life of the wood compared to traditional varnishes, avoiding penetrating moisture. It does not alter the natural appearance of the wood, it is resistant to UV rays and reduces the attack of termites. Suitable for all types of wood, both outdoors and indoors.
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.
Invisible treatment, does not form a film and is indicated for smooth plastic surfaces, non-ferrous metals or painted surfaces. Its result achieves non-stick properties, preventing contamination particles such as grease, organic matter, pollution and other forms of dirt from adhering to the protected substrates, without the application of chemical or abrasive agents. The main property of this treatment is the “easy to clean” effect.
Innovative treatment, which consists of the application of a water and other liquid repellent nano-coating on the treated fabrics. Totally invisible does not affect the appearance, breathing capacity and color keeping it drier for longer. Oil, coffee, wine and other liquids can be removed with absorbent paper as soon as accidental spillage occurs, thereby reducing the risk of staining.
Invisible treatment, does not form a film, helps to prevent water marks, reduces the absorption of dirt, prevents the proliferation of algae and organic matter. These characteristics make the glass or ceramics have a self-cleaning effect. Effective protection for skylights, windows, car and aircraft windshields, bathroom stalls, glazed ceramics, bathtubs and sanitary wares. .